Solution 1

Atmospheric-based dMRV

To promote confidence and de-risk natural capital, environmental claims rely on accurate and proven measured outcomes. While traditional activity-based methods estimate emissions, our atmospheric-based approach elevates precision of actual measurements of dynamic and diverse sinks and sources.

Our dedicated site-specific monitoring system 
reveals the true impact of nature's fluxes, accurately reflecting the equivalent metric tons Co2 or Co2e reduced, removed or emitted.

With real-time monitoring, we adapt to changing conditions, capturing seasonal shifts and anthropogenic stresses. 

Atmospheric-based methods stand on a rich legacy dating back to the late 1950s, evolving from the International Geophysical Year. This approach has been refined through the esteemed WMO Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) program, encompassing over 126 atmospheric monitoring stations worldwide. Atmospheric-based monitoring methodologies have endorsement from the IPCC, UNFCCC Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technological Advice, and the WMO itself, solidifying the peer-reviewed accuracy on measured impact.

Leveraging the existing GAW network in combination with expanding a private network of monitoring stations, Hyphen transforms greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations into actionable GHG flux data.


At Hyphen, our technical infrastructure can integrate biodiversity metrics from esteemed partners of ours. By doing so, we offer a comprehensive representation of natural ecosystems, accurately measuring both greenhouse gas emissions and quantifying biodiversity within observed ecosystems.
Know the actual outcomes of your mitigation actions.
High quality verified carbon
credits and offsets.
Measure actual emissions reductions, removals and sources.
Continuous measurement of GHG flux (tCO2 and tCO2e) through dedicated ground-based monitoring systems.
Nature-based solutions
Nature-based solutions
oil and gas production
waste management
urban areas
Atmospheric-based dMRV delivers a comprehensive analysis by processing GHG concentrations at ten-second intervals, while our software calculates flux values every 30 minutes, yielding a net ecosystem measurement with a resolution of 1x1 meter. All of which is supported with remote sensing, biodiversity data, and traditional feasibility and additionality metrics.
This analysis culminates in a detailed Policy report within the Hedera Guardian platform, while ensuring that all raw IoT GHG data is directly recorded through Demia into the Hedera Blockchain, enhancing comparability, transparency, auditability, and traceability.
The most accurate monitoring system for a forest involves flux towers, of heights sufficient to raise gas inlets mounted on them above the canopy level. In a single tower system, instruments are mounted at various heights to measure the covariant fluxes, either positive or negative.
In a two-tower system, one tower is sited in a prevailing upwind location, the other downwind. Gas analyzers continuously measure GHG atmospheric concentrations at each point. An atmospheric transport model traces the air arriving at the sensors back to its origin. Initial flux data is input into a Bayesian statistical model, known as an inverse model, as prior information. The inverse model outputs flux values that result in an accurate measurement of metric tons of carbon sequestered (sink), obtainable based on best available science.
Join us on our journey to uncover the true value of natural capital and give power back to project developers and carbon offsetters looking to make a tangible difference through investing in natural capital.

quantifying the true value of natural capital in real-time.